About Us
The CoreNet Global Learning Foundation exists to serve the corporate real estate (CRE) profession by advancing the practice of corporate real estate through professional development, content, research, conferences and local chapters and networking groups. The Foundation aims to broaden its network, raise the profile of the profession and serve as the profession’s voice and thought leader. The Foundation champions the profession’s development and maturity.
The CoreNet Global Learning Foundation is an independent, tax-exempt, charitable organization (501(c)(3)) dedicated to supporting and encouraging educational activities, innovative research, and future talent development to advance and boost the profile of the corporate real estate profession.
Foundation programs are supported through tax deductible gifts and grants from CoreNet Global members, corporate real estate professionals and related companies, foundations and trusts, and interested individuals.
For more information and to discuss your contribution, contact Dean Jordan, djordan@corenetglobal.org, 404-589-3218.
*The full amount of your gift is tax-deductible for U.S. federal income tax purposes, subject to any limitations that might otherwise apply.
Our Mission
Support the development of education, research, university outreach and student scholarship all related to advancing the practice of corporate real estate.

Gloria Mamwa, SLCR, MCR
Regional Head of Property, Africa & Middle East (AME)
Standard Chartered Bank
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

David Chang, MCR
Global Head of Strategy, Corporate Real Estate
Kowloon, Hong Kong

Jessica Pernicone, MCR
Managing Director, Solutions Development
Narragansett, RI